
The Gospel according to Isaiah: A Devotional Commentary on Isaiah 53 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The prophet Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 53 are so valued that Martin Luther once said that they “ought to be written on parchment of gold and lettered in diamonds.” Timothy J. E. Cross’s The Gospel According to Isaiah: A Devotional Commentary on Isaiah 53 will help you understand why. Written more than 800 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah 53 actually contains one of the clearest views of the...

fulfilled, and Almighty God has ensured that this fulfilled prophecy of Isaiah has been preserved for our benefit and profit. Paradoxically, Isaiah’s prophecy is interpreted by history, and the historical event of Calvary is interpreted by reference to Isaiah’s prophecy. That the subject and theme of Isaiah 53 in the Old Testament is the Christ of Calvary, is the unanimous testimony of the New Testament. Before His impending death, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself stated: ‘For the Son of Man goes as
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